<u>d)federalists and centralist
The post-independence period of Mexican history was very turbulent and volatile, both politically and economically. In 1833, Valentin Gomez Farias carried out more liberal reforms, which sparked a revolt in conservative circles that led to the dissolution of the first federal republic and the creation of the first centralist republic.
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana proclaimed in 1835 the so-called Seven laws, thus provoking separatist reactions in multiple departments. Separatist uprisings were largely stifled except in Texas, which declared its independence in 1836 and was subsequently annexed by the United States. In 1841, Yucatan also declared its independence. It was not until 1848 that he again became part of the Mexican state.
A. cultural life
The Uyghurs have no religious rights, and Islamic leaders were forced to participate in activities against their religion during the Cultural Revolution, such as eating pork. Outside of Xinjiang, China does not enforce the ban prohibiting non-Uyghur children from attending mosques.
Profit is a prerequisite for the success of our industry: without profit, there is no way for the company to grow sustainable, no way to offer people professional and financial growth opportunities, and no way to attract good new people to the team.
Costs must always be optimized: to make a profit, our team needs to be “paranoid” with cost optimization. Costs should be reviewed periodically and reduced whenever possible.
More Productivity: our team needs to be more productive, deliver more results in the shortest time possible, and thereby optimize your staffing costs.
More value to our customers: our business needs to deliver more value to its customers. The idea is to make our customer see more value in your products, be willing to pay more for it, and thereby increase the price and profit margin of your products.
I believe the answer is: Iconoclasts
Iconoclasts tend to see that religious images in the place of worship is an insult to the God because we falsely interpret the true image of God without having any knowledge about it. This view tend to be held by the Christian who adopt the orthodox' / traditional religion.
The answer to this question is:
brain structure that is most likely causing this is the
“Reticular Formation”.</span>
reticular formation plays a vital role in states of consciousness like awareness
and sleep. It has connections to the thalamus and cerebral cortex
that allow it to gain some control over which sensory signals arrive at the
cerebrum and come to our conscious attention. </span>