C. wars with neighboring kingdoms designed to consolidate Han power.
The Han dynasty was a period between 206BC to 220AD. The expansion of China during the Hans dynasty was as a result of series of military campaigns and cultural assimilation. The expansion stated during the Qin dynasty but reached its peak during the Han dynasty.
One unfortunate result of the scientifically unsupported contention that vaccinations play a major role in the development of autism spectrum disorder is that in the first half of 2008, rates of measles cases in the United States doubled as compared to the rates observed between 2000 and 2007.
- Though the contention was not supported with scientific findings and was only based on general observation, the results of the contention clearly exhibited that the vaccination has failed as there was an increase in cases with measles contraction.
- Merely for the fact that the contention lacks scientific support, it was not given enough emphasis and means and methods other than what the contention suggested were implemented to address the problem.
becoming a person of trust
Dr. Warren Bennis of the University of California undertook a five year research project in the 1980's that explicitly looks at various types of successful leaders. Interestingly, the results found that while every leader had their own distinguishable leadership style, what made the research unique was that all of them shared four leadership competencies which includes:
- Management of Attention
- Management of meaning
- Management of Trust
- Management of Self.
Starting the stories with his childhood makes Ngugi's stories seem more real than others because people think that it is a real life story.Mentioning childhood invokes multiple senses of the readers,engages the readers,evokes strong emotions as people start to think of their own childhood as well, helps in creating intriguing and complex characters for Ngugi's stories,the writer may use rich character voice,Ngugi is able to pull his readers into action.
Daniel Chirot is a Sociologist and Professor of International Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle.
He argued that the recent worldwide increase in ethnic hostilities is a consequence of retribalization.
His context of retribalization means the tendency for groups to seek meaning and belongin in an ethnic group. There are macro and micro explanations for terrorism.