Natural selection ia the correct answer
A. S phase immediately precedes cell division
each place on Earth weather data have been collected
The mathematical modelling is a set of equations that are developed to determine the effect of some phenomena. The environmental phenomena may include something like the rain patterns in the tropics, the temperature changes in the next 10 years, and the wind patterns in the next years. In the weather model, each place on Earth weather data have been collected will be used to see how the trends change over the course of time.
Gemstones are nonmetallic minerals that are valued for their beauty and rarity rather than their usefulness.
-Most gemstones form in the Earth's crust; the top layer of the Earth, with a depth of 3 to 25 miles. Only two gemstone varieties, diamond and peridot, form in the Earth's mantle, which represents 80% of the Earth's volume.
-A few gemstones form in the mantle, but all gems are mined in the crust. A precious gemstone has beauty, durability, and rarity, whereas a semiprecious gemstone has only one or two of these qualities.
Answer: C. The farmland is undergoing secondary succession, which may or may not restore the original climax community.
Ecological communities are highly <em>dynamic</em>- they gradually evolve. Typically their progression involves:
- colonizing species exploiting uninhabited areas (Primary succession)
- becoming a habitable and increasingly complex community
- there is increased diversity of organisms (Secondary)
The makeup of biological communities is crucial to defining Primary and Secondary succession; eventually, through changes in this makeup, a steady-state or equilibrium is reached called a <em>climax community. </em>While Primary succession starts off with the modification of a previously unoccupied area along with increasing variation; secondary succession begins after major disruption in the community such as fires, storms and flooding.
Like the abandoned farmland near Horatio’s home, secondary communities do not begin with the removal of soil and all biological life; other species, seen here in the grassland, may be more suited to the altered conditions and begin to modify the area creating a new community.
However, the process of becoming a climax community can be pretty complicated- it is very dependent on other factors like temperature and rainfall. Communities that experience rapid change, frequent major disruptions and even human intervention, are less likely to attain a stable equilibrium and may never become climax communities.