To find the answer from the question above, we need to solve the equation and find Ali's age. We know that the ratio of Ali's age and Ben's age is 21:17 and they have age's difference in 3 years and 4 months. We need to find how many years old is Ali in years and months.
First, we made an equation with the ration which has known
21/(21 +17) = 21/38x = Ali's age
17/(21+17) = 17/38x = Ben's age
Ali's age - Ben's age = 3 years 4 month
21/38 - 17/38 = 4/38x = 3 years 4 month
and we use x as a symbol for the total of Ali's age and Ben's age
to make it easier, we change the unit of the time. from year to month
3 years + 4 months = (3 x 12 months) + 4 months = 40 months
we need to know what is the value of x, we can finish a first equation which is the age's difference
4/38x = 40 months
x = 40/4 x 38
x = 10 x 38 = 380 months
because we know the value of x is 380, now we can finish the other equation
Ali's age
21/38x = 21/38 x 380 = 21 x 10 = 210 months
* if we would know how many years old Ali in years and months then we change the unit, 1 year = 12 months so, 210 divided by 12 is 17 and 6 left. So Ali's age is 17 years and 6 months.
Ben's age
17/38x = 17/38 x 380 = 17 x 10 = 170 months
* we change the unit to year, so if 170 divided by 12 is 14 and 2 left. So, Ben's age is 14 years and 2 months
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Answer Details
Subject: Mathematics
Chapter: Fraction
Grade: Middle School
Keywords : The average age of Ali, Ben and Chandra, Vic and Ben ages are in the ratio of 3 : 4, The ratio of Paul's age to Luis's age is 2 : 3