Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus and was first conquered by the Spanish Empire in the 16th century before achieving independence in 1821. Nicaragua has a very multiethnic population estimated at 6.28 million in 2018, an increase from the 2013 estimate of 6,080,000.
Read the sentence in Spanish and choose everything that applies.
I have your money.
demonstrative adjectives
present-progressive tense
stressed-possessive adjectives
demonstrative pronouns
regular-possessive adjectives
I don't see the question you might want to attach it.
1. Nosotros contestamos las preguntas del examen.
2. Yo nunca llego tarde a la clase.
3. Tú llevas una mochila nueva.
4. Usted busca las respuestas a las preguntas en la computadora.
5. Tú usas tu libro para estudiar para el examen.
Ana María tiene los zapatos de su hermana.
In the first an article is used because the shoes (sister) are determined and the second is a preposition.