Negatively repressible.
A control which occurs through repressor is known as negative control which may be inducible or repressible.
When a small molecule named as allolactose binds this repressor it leads to allosteric repulsion which removes repressor from the operator as a result of which RNA polymerase can start transcription. Allolactose is therefore known as inducer because it induces lac operon expression.
But here, the operator is active (induced) already so there is no need to induce the operon which means that it can only be repressed so that transcription could stop. So the answer is negatively repressible operon.
I remember back in 10th grade I learned that birds that had beaks that were easier to break the seeds carried those traits to their babies and the whole area had that type of beak since it was necessary to break some seeds. So the beaks that were a disadvantage no longer existed and the beaks that became an advantage passed along to all the other birds.
Side note: if they all had the same beak they could all fight for the same type of seeds and probably have some sort of intense competition but idk if that’s necessary
P<span>atients who cannot afford to purchase bone marrow will have to wait for voluntary donors.</span>
Compound microscope
Further explanation</h3>
In 1665, Robert Hooke used a compound microscope to observe cells. Hooke observes the cell walls of dead plants (in the form of cork) when they appear under a microscope. He named it the cell because it looked similar to a cellula or small room inhabited by monks.
Development of microscopy:
- 1590: Hans and Zacharias Janssen, as Dutch lens grinders, mounted two lenses in a tube to produce the first compound microscope.
- 1660: Robert Hooke published <em>Micrographia</em>, containing detailed observations of biological materials made with the best compound microscope.
- 1676: Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to observe a live cell under a microscope, i.e., the algae Spirogyra.
- 1931: Ernst Ruska constructed the first electron microscope. With the invention of the electron microscope, many infectious agents smaller than bacteria could be seen.
Until now, we can see how important the use of microscopes, especially in microbiology, that is the study of microorganisms.
<h3>Learn more</h3>
- How was the water filtered to remove debris and living organisms?
- About the single bonds in fatty acids
- The theoretical density of platinum which has the FCC crystal structure.
Keywords: compound microscope, Robert Hooke, cells first observed, cork, dead plant, walls, Anton van Leeuwenhoek