Offered advice on getting and keeping power
Size comparison Venezuela is about 1.2 times smaller than Colombia. Colombia is approximately 1,138,910 sq km, while Venezuela is approximately 912,050 sq km, making Venezuela 80.08% the size of Colombia. Meanwhile, the population of Colombia is ~49.1 million people (20.4 million fewer people live in Venezuela).
Answer: the Soviet government has very strict and oppressive control over the people.
a multilateral system of trading in which a country pays for its imports from one country by its exports to another.
Many different types of evidence.
All 3 study material remains and use what they discover to look at past cultures and societies. Archaeologists excavate as well as paleontologists in order to see into the past of those who have lived before us. They find past structures, bones, tools, etc. Sorry I couldn't go more in depth.