World War II produced important changes in American life--some trivial, others profound. One striking change involved fashion. To conserve wool and cotton, dresses became shorter and vests and cuffs disappeared, as did double-breasted suits, pleats, and ruffles.
Even more significant was the tremendous increase in mobility. The war set families in motion, pulling them off of farms and out of small towns and packing them into large urban areas. Urbanization had virtually stopped during the Depression, but the war saw the number of city dwellers leap from 46 to 53 percent.
War industries sparked the urban growth. Detroit's population exploded as the automotive industry switched from manufacturing cars to war vehicles. Washington, D.C. became another boomtown, as tens of thousands of new workers staffed the swelling ranks of the bureaucracy. The most dramatic growth occurred in California. Of the 15 million civilians who moved across state lines during the war, over 2 million went to California to work in defense industries.
Both national and state governments
The best answer is C.
The charter included eight common principles that Britain and America would be committed to supporting in the world after the war. Both countries agreed that they would not seeks territorial expansion, and that they would seek the liberalization of international trade, and to establish freedom of the seas, international labor as well as economic and welfare standards.
Above all, both countries were committed to support restoration of self government for all countries that were occupied during the war and allow people to choose their own form of government