DNA polymerase is an enzyme with a specific active site complementary to the 3' OH end of the DNA strand in terms of charge, size, orientation and shape thus can only bind to 3' end and cannot bind to 5' end for replication to occur
1. Aortic arch
2. Left subclavian artery
3. Left axillary artery
4. Left brachial artery
5. Left radial artery
The answer above is according to Quizlet
1 True 2 false 3 false 4 true 5 true
1 The Lac I gene makes repressor protein True
2 The structural genes encoded by lac operon are involved in lactose synthesis false
3 The CAP protein is an activator protein that binds to the operator false
4 The product of Lac I is an allosteric protein that can undergo conformational change when allolactose binds to it True
5 CAP binding causes DNA to bend facilitating RNA polymerase binding True