A. Basically a hotspot forms above a mantle plume. A mantle plume is like a bit of magma from the earths mantle, but it’s like not near tectonic plate boundary things. (Sorry if that doesn’t make sense lol if you’re still confused I’d just look up a diagram of a hotspot)
B. A stratovolcano, those are just volcanos that are built with a bunch of lava and ash
C. Mt. Helens is formed on a subduction plate boundary, while a hotspot is formed because of mantle plumes, which are usually not on a plate boundary.
Hope this helps lol
The ductus arteriousus is a blood vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the descending aorta. Otherwise known as the ductus Botalli, this structure pumps blood into the fetus' non-functioning lungs from the right ventricle. This blood vessel will close at birth and becomes the ligamentum arteriousum.
The plasma membrane is selectively permeable
hydrophobic molecules and small polar molecules can diffuse through the lipid layer, but ions and large polar molecules cannot. Integral membrane proteins enable ions and large polar molecules to pass through the membrane by passive or active transport.