Because settlers were trying to assimilate Native Americans and moving into their territory without permission
<em>Before</em> the Jews were called Israelites, they were known as Hebrews. Abraham received promisses from God, that from him God would create a great nation, to whom He will reveal His <em>statutes</em> and give a place where they could live and serve Him, being an example to other nations of the true way of worhipping God. But before the possession of their land, many things happened: they became slaves in Egypt, travelled for 40 years in the wilderness etc.
200? Umm the newest here was the early Iron Age which was 600... but if you meant 2000 bc it would be B.THE LATE STONE AGE
<span>As early as the ancient Greek philosophers, many theorists have devised color associations and linked particular connotative meanings to specific colors. However, connotative color associations and color symbolism tends to be culture-bound and may also vary across different contexts and circumstances. For example, red has many different connotative and symbolic meanings from exciting, arousing, sensual, romantic and feminine; to a symbol of good luck; and also acts as a signal of danger. Such color associations tend to be learned and do not necessarily hold irrespective of individual and cultural differences or contextual, temporal or perceptual factors.
Hope this helps!
The United Nations is an international "<span>b. peacekeeping force" since it was established after World War II with the intent of making sure that a third world war never occurred. </span>