Year-round schools are a bad idea. Summer is a great season. Students
should be able to enjoy their summers fully.
Most families plan vacations over the summer. Year-round schools restrict
summer family vacations. They also don't allow students to go away to camp
or take on summer jobs to earn money for the future.
Too many breaks disrupt learning. The breaks allow teachers to focus on a
topic for only a few weeks. During mini-breaks, students are away from
school long enough to forget what they learned.
In schools with a long summer break, lessons are not broken up by frequent
breaks. Teachers can spend more time on one topic. Teachers also don't
have to plan around as many breaks. Summer can also be very hot. Many
schools don't have air conditioning. How can students learn in a hot
Christopher Newland, a researcher at Auburn University, said that year-round
schools do not help students learn. Newland said, "The evidence is
that it would be as useful as changing the color of the school buses."
Schools with a long summer break work just fine. There is no need to change to year round- schools.