The root system is always adventitious. The stem is either underground or aerial. The leaves may be microphylls or megaphylls. Their other common characteristics include vascular plant apomorphies (e.g., vascular tissue) and land plant plesiomorphies (e.g., spore dispersal and the absence of seeds).
A: Incomplete dominance!
Incomplete dominance is when a dominant allele doesn’t completely mask the effects of the other. The organism, as a result, will show a blending of both.
When you drop a ball, it is dropped DOWNWARDS so the number is represented by a negative number. If you toss the ball up it will be a positive number.
To answer your question:
When an object is dropped downwards there will be a negative number since the object is falling downwards.
Sexual inter course is good for health. Its like exercise. It awakens the muscles and blood pumps faster. They also say the hormones released into your brain make you smarter. Intercourse can also be bad if your partner has disease. Hope this answer helps. And don't judge me