Approximately 4.5 billion years ago (The Hadean Eon) .
The Geologic Timescale's "Hadean" era, named for Hades (Hell, well, we weren't feeling very imaginative that day), encompasses the Earth's origins. According to the evidence we currently have, the Earth's surface at that time was mostly made up of lava lakes and molten rock.
How would that appear? The first 500 Ma of Earth's history have left very little stuff behind. You may, however, take a peek at our moon, which similarly went through a lava lake period before freezing. You'll see that it has both dark and bright landscape.
The lighter material is known as highlands and is primarily composed of anorthosite. Anorthose, a kind of plagioclase feldspar, is the main component of the igneous rock known as anorthosite. According to what we know, the Moon too had a lava lake era. Liquid rocks exposed at the surface were cooling and fractionally crystallizing throughout this lengthy period. A certain order of minerals was developing. And these minerals were dividing up according to the density of the melt; less dense minerals, like plagioclase (Anorthose is a plagioclase), floated to the surface in a sort of incandescent crystal slush slurry and formed a sort of lid there. Denser minerals, like olivines, were sinking to the bottom of the lava lake to form cumulates. As the lava lakes cooled, anorthosite piled on top in successive layers, thickening the mass of floating crystals. Large meteor impacts occasionally pierced this anorthosite crust, and part of the thicker (and darker) underlying liquid accumulated in the ensuing craters to produce those roundish dark patches (Maria), which are now filled with basalt.
After the lava lakes froze/crystallized over, such characteristics were maintained since there was no significant tectonic activity on the Moon (except for the local meteor impacts which screw things up a bit).
The information needed would be found on mRNA that is transcribed from a section of DNA. The mRNA is translated by the ribosome into the product polypeptide based on the sequence.
Mitosis is the process of cell division that creates a new cell identical to the original. Somatic cells, such as muscles, hair and skin, undergo mitosis regularly in humans and other organisms. This is an important type of cell division needed to facilitate the repair of damaged cells, growth and replacement of old cells with new ones.
When a new cell is created, it must have the same library of genetic information all other cells in the body have access to. Because all the material in the new cell must come from the first cell, the original cell must make a copy of its DNA before completing the process of mitosis. These two sets of DNA only exist for as long as it takes the cell to undergo mitosis, which can be anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes in certain human cells. When the cell division is complete, both of the cells have a single identical copy of DNA.
Sexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction involving the fusion of haploid female gamete (egg cell) and haploid male gamete (sperm cell). The fusion of these gametes occurs at fertilization resulting in the formation of a diploid zygote. ... Two major types of sexual reproduction are syngamy and conjugation.