A biological community in which association takes place between the organisms and their physical surroundings is termed as an ecosystem. It can also be defined as an association between the nonliving and living components found within the environment. A particular geographical region, which is specified for the species thriving within it is known as a biome.
A branch of science, which deals with the natural procedures that comprise fire within an ecosystem and the ecological influences it imparts, the association between the biotic and the abiotic constituents of an ecosystem with the fire, and the role played by fire within an ecosystem is termed as a fire ecology.
Different kinds of ecosystems like savanna, prairie, coniferous forests and chaparral have originated by the contribution of the fire, which plays an essential role in the renewal and vitality of the habitat. Different kind of plant species needs the assistance of fire to establish, to reproduce, or to germinate. In case, if the suppression of wildfire takes place, it will eventually result in the eradication of various plant species and the animals that rely upon them.
It's possible.
It said if they were nearly as smart as humans. They never said if they were as capable as Humans. Naturally, some would be smarter than others so some might be able to live here but others might have to have their own country. So, it is likely that some Neanderthals will be able to live in modern society, though not all.
A vigorous excersie that requires a lot of energy
The evolution of emotion that’s what Charles Darwin conduct
air, oxygen, water, sand. and tea