Marathon and Plataea
The Persian Wars saw the great Persian army face-off against the smaller and divided Greece in an attempt to invade and conquer them. The Greek city-states had to unite themselves and fight the Persians even though they were outnumbered.
Sparta, who were very strong militarily united with Athens who had an impressive fleet of naval ships, and together they defied all odds to win the battles at Marathon and Plataea.
Empire, Nazi Germany declared war against the United States
Spanish Florida
The word they used to describe themselves—Seminole—is derived from a Greek word meaning “separatist” or “runaway.” Because slavery had been abolished in 1693 in Spanish Florida, that territory became a safe haven for runaway slaves.
Here are some major changes that was introduced by the British after the revolt of 1857:
The Queen of Great Britain ruled India directly. In the past, it was done by the East India Company.
The Hindu-Muslim unity in the war surprised and made the British afraid. From there, they started the open policy of “Divide and Rule”.
The British left the social practices of Indians alone since interference in cultural and social issues of Indians was one of the reasons why a war took place.