A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks. They are heavily used in engineering in hardware design, electronic design, software design, and process flow diagrams.
In your question you asked architure but maybe it is architecture (•;
The answer is C to this question
1. There are many ways to write an algorithm. Some are very informal, some are quite formal and mathematical in nature, and some are quite graphical. The instructions for connecting a DVD player to a television are an algorithm. A mathematical formula such as πR2 is a special case of an algorithm. The form is not particularly important as long as it provides a good way to describe and check the logic of the plan. The development of an algorithm, a plan is a key step in solving a problem. Once we have an algorithm, we can translate it into a computer program in some programming language. Our algorithm development process consists of five major steps.
2. computers only do what you told them to do, so If you wrote something wrong or you wasn't precise enough it might cause a massive damage and cause you to lose a lot of money.
3. You know when a problem should be solved whenever you need to make a decision that is important, or requires human intelligence and a computer doesn’t have human intelligence.
4. The process does sound familiar to me; it is like the mechanism of operation of the computer. Through reflex actions, our bodies take in input and respond sometimes without our control, such as shivering, blinking, and sneezing.
5. The brain uses chemicals to transmit information; the computer uses electricity. Even though electrical signals travel at high speeds in the nervous system, they travel even faster through the wires in a computer. Both transmit information. A computer uses switches that are either on or off ("binary").
An operating system (OS) is a software which is responsible for the management of computer hardware, software, and also provides common services for computer programs.
Operating System is pivotal in teaching and learning because:
1. It enables computer programs to run smoothly on various computer devices.
2. The Operating System gives teachers the opportunity to install learning apps on their devices for ease of teaching.
3. It enables students to download and install learning applications, download and upload assignments, etc.
4. The Operating System makes video conferencing for online tuition easy and smooth.
5. It makes computer users to interact with other applications and softwares within a device.
Operating systems are found on many computer devices e.g: mobile phones, video games, PCs, supercomputers, etc.
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