because the Nazis threatened to torture and prosicute them if they did not
Pargo v. Elliot--this case was the beginning of women arguing they do not receive equal treatment to other prisoners.
Though the case was overturned and no just cause was found, it did bring attention to the issue of treatment of prisoners. In particular, women prisons being so few have been cited as having poor health programs and not as many educational programs as men.
The term Anabaptist means "one who baptizes again". Anabaptists are Christians who rejected infant baptism in favor of believer's baptism.They believe that baptism can only be valid if the petitioner confesses his faith in Christ and is willing to be baptized. Since many of these Reformation Era Christians have already been baptized when they were infants, they opt to be rebaptized as believing Christians.This believer's baptism is opposed to infant baptism because infants are not able to make conscious decisions to be baptized or not. Thus baptismal candidate must make a confession of faith that is freely chosen before any baptismal could take place.
-Workforce laborers and servants were being exploit by landowners and were in debt
-The death rate was high, and the English servants who could get land would get land in poor quality, bad locations and controlled by Native Americans
-Governor William Berkeley was put by the British Crown to ensure that planters paid taxes but because of the corrupt system rich landowners often times avoided taxes and fees
How this was a conflict
The elite was threatened to the point that they decided to get more slaves instead of white servants
Life losses and changes in policies
that participants would be selectedfor the night watch by a vote of all citizens