Constitution-making includes both the process for making a new constitution or amending an existing constitution as well as the substantive decisions about the design, form and content of the new or amended constitution. Comparative experience demonstrates a range of processes to draft and adopt a new constitution.
<span>She can remember about seven items, with the number ranging from five to nine. The function of short term memory is to store bursts of information for a short duration of time. A phone number has seven digits, and that is a perfect example of the use of short term memory. People given a phone number can usually store it and recall it several minutes later, but in a week, they will forget.</span>
Egypt:Friends and relatives tend to kiss on both cheeks while shaking hands. Greetings between men and women: A handshake may be acceptable in certain circumstances and the woman must extend her hand first. If she does not, a man should bow his head as a sign of acknowledgement.
Japan:In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. A bow can ranges from a small nod of the head to a deep bend at the waist. A deeper, longer bow indicates respect and conversely a small nod with the head is casual and informal.
This sounds a lot like heat stroke.
I know someone who had one of these, and this sounds a lot like what he went through.
Explanation: Bhakti soon spread to North India, appearing most notably in the 10th-century Sanskrit text the Bhagavata-purana. Muslim ideas of surrender to God may have influenced Hindu ideas of bhakti from the start, and later poet-saints such as Kabir (1440–1518) introduced Sufi (mystical) elements from Islam.