'' The Flood '' represents human drama.
On the left side of the scene, a group of desperate people can be seen, seeking protection on the top of a mountain. It represents them looking for <em>safety</em> from water levels that are increasing.
On the right side of the person looking at the picture, there is another group of people who are seeking <em>shelter from the rain.</em>
In the middle of the picture, there is a small boat that looks like it’s about to turn upside down, while there is <em>Noah’s Ark</em> in the background, which is the only ship that would <em>survive the flood.</em>
What’s mesmerizing about Michelangelo is the fact that his paintings appear like sculptures. The symbol of figures in each scene is <em>strength and beauty. </em>
American institute of graphics art is responsible for code of conduct graphics designer.
moving from one move to another
4 over 4, whole rest, etc. I really hope this helps. I was in band for 2 years so...