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1. Poker faced dude in a building eating a doughnut, back facing a bunch of people holding protestor-cards.
2. A woman holding a sweater for a dude whose hands are up.
3. A sketch of the building but with 102 floors.
That's all i could come up with
yesterday my mom called the cops on me because she found out that i had snuck out & then and texted the guy i like hes really cute sweet funny and nice & told him to leave me alone & he blocked me & now im really sad and yesterday probably made it onto the 10 worst days of my life list.
but yk its whatever im fine
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Authors reveal what it means to be human by giving us experiences through words that make us feel all kinds of emotions. They make us scared, hopeful, happy, sad, and angry through theirs words and that helps us feel alive. Being human is exciting and unexpected and they convey that through their words and stories.