You need to find out more about the fdisk utility and the commands associated with it before you set up a new Linux system in ad
dition to the one you are already using. What command can you use on your present system to find out more about fdisk? a. man fdisk
b. fdisk /?
c. fdisk /help
d. find fdisk
If the user wants to finds more regarding the fdisk utility as well as the related instructions until setting up a new Linux system besides those that are currently utilizing. So, the following man fdisk command could be used to finds more regarding fdisk on his current system.
Other commands are not useful for according to the following scenario because they are used in Linux for other purposes.
Answer: (c) focus exclusively on the head of the buying center.
As Fordham3 Hardware is known for its consensus buying center culture, so someone attempting to sell to Fordham3 should focus exclusively on the head of the buying center.