15:5 is the ratio of apples to oranges and 5:15 if reverse
It is a cap-size parabola. The parabola "goes down". The graph of this function looks like in this attached picture.
You divide (1354.5 kg of potatoes) by (12 stores in the Bronx).
The quotient is ________ kg of potatoes per store in the Bronx.
The division is easy to do with your pencil or your calculator.
6 students – 3 rolls of clay divided by each portion given to a student (0.5) equals 6, meaning only six students where able to receive some clay
y = 7 + 3x
y = 3x + 7
y = mx + b, therefore the y-intercept is 7.
3y = 6x + 12
y = 2x + 4
y = mx + b, therefore the y-intercept is 4.