True beans and those types of things are great for protein so is meat and eggs.
Minerals <em>maintain water balance </em>
Carbohydrates <em>provide basic energy</em>
Proteins <em>repair body tissue</em>
Fats <em>maintain body temperature</em>
Vitamins <em>absorb other nutrients</em>
Hope that helps!
The serving size is 1cup ( 228g)
<span>mental and emotional health</span>
Generally, answer B would be the right one.
"The exact cause of eating disorders is unknown. However, many doctors believe that a combination of genetic, physical, social, and psychological factors may contribute to the development of an eating disorder.
For instance, researchTrusted Source suggests that serotoninTrusted Source may influence eating behaviors. Serotonin is a naturally-occurring brain chemical that regulates mood, learning, and sleep, as well as other functions.
Societal pressure can also contribute to eating disorders. Success and personal worth are often equated with physical beauty and a slim physique, especially in Western culture. The desire to succeed or feel accepted may fuel behaviors associated with eating disorders,"