Prepositions ususally stand before nouns, in this case "on" is the preposition.
It is false because this statement is only just an opinion. So its false....
In the first excerpt, the purpose is to justify, and in the second is to to inform.
The declaration of independence is structured starting with a feeling from the country: "In every stage of these Oppressions", and the constitution's preamble starts stating who were the authors: "We the People of the United States"
Then, the declaration states who the authors are: "the Representatives of the united States of America" while the preamble shows the reasons of the coming constitution
Finally, the declaration states its main purpose and the preamble also declares the purpose of the constitution.
The tone in the declaration is dramatic, and in the preamble it is a lot more sober.
Four timeless lessons that Homer’s Odyssey can teach us about returning home from war are faith, compassion, self-control, and persistence.
Through the whole poem, we can reveal three topics, hospitality, loyalty, and vengeance. The principal topic is the life path filled with obstacles.
Odyssey is in the war for 10 years, the same period the spent trying to return home. The moral aspect in the poem is very important, he is very faithful to his family and determined to come back no matter what obstacles he had to pass.