I was the pressure of depression.
Imagine? Okay then.. Part of a story.. here I go
It was a cold and wind morning when the soldiers woke up. Of course, they had to wake up and immedeatly start their training for the day. The Captain told every single one of the soldiers to line up in rows of six. "Okay soldiers. We have a war in a week. We are going to work hard and win this war for our state. If you don't want to, I suggest you step out of line and walk out of this building." One of the soilders decided to step out of the line, panicking about if he wouldn't make it or not. "Get back in line soldier! We are not quitters!" The captian yelled. I was in the second line. I didn't know how to feel about this war comming on so suddenly. I just took a deep breath and made myself to calm down so I didn't have a panic attack. The next few days we started to train more and more to get ready for this upcomming war to help and keep our country safe. I am going to fight for this country and it's people! I don't wanna be known as 'weak' or 'just joining the military for money' type thing. I wanna help and save the millions of peopl in this country, working, doing their jobs, and them just being them. I wanna keep this country safe. No matter what!
Does this help you? I hope it does haha.. :')
The industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain during the mid-18th Century. Britain was the world's leading commercial nation controlling a global trading empire with colonies in the North America and the Caribbean. As a results of the Britain colonies in the North america, industrial revolution developed faster in the North American State compared to the South United States
The results of industrial revolution in the united States includes a shift from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes. Samuel Slater is known as the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution".
Turn denying cues.
Turn-denying cues, opposed to turn request cues, deny any control or involvement in the conversation. They are non-verbal cues that indicates when an individual isn't really "there" in the conversation, or is trying to refuse participating in it just like Robert: as he is not prepared for the history class he is avoiding eyes with the instructor, he looks down, etc.