Answer:.D. a shortage of oranges.
Explanation:shortage refers to a situation in which the demands exceeds the available resources or products such that the state of equilibrium is compromised . When there are less fruits supplied to the market this means the demand for the oranges won't be met since there is not enough production of oranges and the supply has decreased. The supply can't meet the demand any longer.
The answer is a. low self-efficacy.
According to Bandura, self-efficacy explains how well a person thinks he can perform a task.
Self-efficacy is linked to social cognitive theory, which implies that our behaviours and reactions are a result of social observation and interactions. This means that a person with low self-efficay is likely to see a challenge as something that can't be overcomed.
Answer: They ask whether personality traits are the same across cultures. Western ideas about personality may not be applicable to other cultures that people choose to move to places that are compatible with their personalities and needs. Cultural scripts dictate how positive and negative emotions should be experienced and displayed; they may also guide how people choose to regulate their emotions, ultimately influencing an individual's emotional experience. Cultural contexts also act as cues when people are trying to interpret facial expressions. Any time cultures interact, via trade, immigration, conquest, colonization, slavery, religious expansion, etc. they impact each other and cause culture change. Ideas and cultural concepts are constantly spreading and moving and changing.
Answer: 3. Punishing behaviour that deviates from the terminal behaviour
Explanation: shaping procedure is the process of reinforcing successively closer approximations to a desired terminal behavior. It usually starts by reinforcing a behaviour that the individual already has and in some way related to the terminal (desired) behaviour; this is the first approximaion. After this is strengthened, the reinforcement is extinguished and then the next behaviour which is a closer approximation is strengthened and eventually extinguished.
This process continues with each approximation closer to the terminal behaviour until the terminal behaviour is achieved. For every step or approximation, the previous reinforcement has to be extinguished in order to move the process closer to the end goal, which is the terminal (desired) behaviour.
Nepal uses many people 2/3 the population in agricultural production and they need machines so that the workforce can do other things. They use it for subsistence, most of the country is rural and there is high poverty. This is their main source of employment and food. This does not allow for growth in other areas or money for modernization. They fully rely on the weather for growth of plants. Modern practices are needed and a cash crop to export is needed for the capital to keep up. The government should fund larger farmers and encourage smaller farmers to team up to share crop. They should also provide machines, roads, storage, and education on modern practices in order to get started.