It should benefit the safety and diversity of the great society in humanity:)
Roma, and Lotti Fundia were the conspiritors involved in the murder. Each person played a part in the team. They are all equally guilty for the murder, though. Mama died from a stab wound to the back and chronic lead poisoning.
The following is missing for the question to be complete:
A) extrinsic factors
B) cognitive factors
C) intrinsic factors
D) incentives
Answer: C) Intrinsic factors
Explanation: Unlike extrinsic motivation factors whose goal and outcome is the acquisition of some tangible goods or other intangible outcome but the outcome is related to some external achievement or success, the intrinsic motivation factor is internal, therefore satisfying some internal aspirations. In this sense, the intrinsic motivation factor encourages actions that are pleasure in themselves, with no apparent tangible material outcome. Intrinsic factors are therefore within the personality, individual, and there is no external reward for such actions, because their desired outcome is personal satisfaction related to the intrinsic aspirations of the personality.
The political terms "left" and "right" owe their origin to the seating arrangements in the French National Assembly during the French revolutionary era. Timothy is associated with the Christian Coalition.
The answer is double blind experiment.
In a double blind experiment, neither the researchers nor the participants are aware about which group is receiving the experimental treatment. This is done in order to prevent biases in the participants' judgment (the placebo effect), and prevent the researchers from giving accidental cues.
The greatest advantage of double blind studies is they have greater reliability and validity than other types of studies.