Merry tumbles, wounded, into the pit, another man falls down dead, and the three left alive turn and run. Silver shoots and kills Merry, just as the doctor, Gray, and Ben Gunn appear. The doctor urges everyone to chase the seamen and head them off from the boats.
In 1912, Governor Wilson of New Jersey was elected president in a landslide Democratic victory over Republican incumbent William Howard Taft and Progressive Party candidate Theodore Roosevelt. The focal point of President Wilson’s first term in office was the outbreak of World War I and his efforts to find a peaceful end to the conflict while maintaining U.S. neutrality. In 1916, he was narrowly reelected president at the end of a close race against Charles Evans Hughes, his Republican challenger.
In 1917, the renewal of German submarine warfare against neutral American ships, and the “Zimmerman Note,” which revealed a secret alliance proposal by Germany to Mexico, forced Wilson to push for America’s entry into the war.
The correct option is SETTING.
In literature, setting refers to the time and place of a particular event in the story. Setting helps to create the background and the mood for the story which the author want to write about. The setting of a story usually have great impacts on the story characters and the event and it also helps the readers to vividly imagine the story.
So the first one, people relate to some people as heros because for example, if someone that you love is getting hurt and you cant help or dont know how to help, when someone helps that person that you couldn't save, thats like a hero! Basically just someone you can help you with things that maybe you scared to do or maybe if you can't help someone and that "hero" helps, thats a hero!