To make text bold, select and highlight the text first. Then hold down Ctrl (the control key) on the keyboard and press B on the keyboard. To make text italic, select and highlight the text first. Then hold down Ctrl (the control key) on the keyboard and then press the I on the keyboard
d.) black-box testing
Software testing can be regarded as procedures/process engage in the verification of a system, it helps in detection of failure in the software, then after knowing the defect , then it can be corrected. Black Box Testing can be regarded as a type of software testing method whereby internal structure as well as design of the item under test is not known by one testing it. In this testing internal structure of code/ program is unknown when testing the software, it is very useful in checking functionality of a particular application. Some of the black box testing techniques commonly used are; Equivalence Partitioning, Cause effect graphing as well as Boundary value analysis. It should be noted that the purpose of black-box testing is to isolate the behavior of a given component of software.
government and New Zealand
you can see the web site name the name is ,gov mens- government and nz means new Zealand
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Due to it's typically massive size, WAN's are almost always slower then a LAN. The further the distance, the slower the network. One of the big disadvantages to having a WAN is the cost it can incur. Having a private WAN can be expensive.
online help and user forums iam not sure of this amswer maybe