The mood of this paragraph is so moody-no pun intended- so dark and mysterious. It almost makes you engrossed into this character's feelings. You feel that bottomless pit in his stomach, you almost hear his hear beating out of his chest. Everything in this gives you almost a hurried pace to it, almost like that feeling you get in the movies when something spectacular is happening but everything is completely silent-not one character talking-only your own interpretation of their thoughts-their feelings.
Answer:“Some concussions are much more serious than the symptoms would suggest,” says Dr. Monroe
Explanation:if you get hit in the head hard you might fell pain. But there might be something broken or even brain injury so its not a joke
I believe the coefficient of price elasticity of demand in this example would be
We, as babies even, pick up our parents beliefs, even from a super young age. When you grow up, it is very hard to change your beliefs as you already think you know everything from your families, which can impact voting. Also, different families have different experiences, which could also play an important role in the views we may have.
Unfortunately, you haven't attached the box so that someone could help you and replace one item. But after a little search, I've found a box which I suppose you had to share (see attachments). If I am correct, the right answer is that Benefits of the Marshall Plan are being listed. Hope it will help you!