I used to hate fractions. But in time, you learn to love them. This is because there's a big difference between fractions and decimals, even though when you divide the actual fraction it comes out to a decimal. Decimals go on and on sometimes, and it would be impossible to write out all those numbers, especially when taking a timed test, for example. Fractions, in this case, would be much more useful (as long as you know how to use them to your advantage). Fractions are basically all those decimal numbers wrapped up into a single, simple division. It makes the outcome of your answer much more accurate than if you estimate every decimal you get throughout a math problem. The more you estimate throughout the problem-solving process, the less accurate your final answer will be. Hence why teachers will usually tell you to estimate when you're putting down the final answer. Fractions are complex at times, so it may be easier to use them in decimal form for certain situations (especially if the decimal form is short and sweet). A world without fractions will result in many, many inaccurate situations involving mathematical knowledge.
Step-by-step explanation:
a) One can get maximum score when all the 20 questions answered are correct.
Maximum score = 20*3 = 60 points
b) Minimum score = 20 * (-2) = -40 points
c) Points for correctly answered questions = 10*3 = 30
Incorrectly answered questions = 14 - 10 = 4
Points for incorrectly answered questions = 4 * (-2) = -8
Total score = 30 + (-8) = 22
d) Points for correctly answered questions =5*3 = 15
Points for incorrectly answered questions = 13 * (-2) = -26
Total score = 15 + (-26) = -11
9514 1404 393
see attached
Step-by-step explanation:
We don't know the drivers' names or when or where they started. We have made the assumption that the second equation pertains to Kylie.
Each line is plotted with the appropriate slope and y-intercept. The slope is the coefficient of x, and represents the "rise" for each unit of "run" to the right.
Step-by-step explanation:
The diagonals are equal length:
Step-by-step explanation:
90.7-18 divided by 2 = 81.7 or 82 simplified