Unit rate is a ratio between two different units with a denominator of one. When we divide a fraction's numerator by its denominator, the result is a value in decimal form. For example: 8/4 = 2 and 3/6 = 0.5. When we write numbers in decimal form, we can write them as a ratio with one as the denominator.
For example, we can write 2 as 2/1, and 0.5 as 0.5/1. However, since that approach can be a little clumsy, we usually drop the one. That said, it's important to remember the one is there, especially when working with unit rates.
For instance, 8 miles/4 hours = 2 miles/hour. Notice again that, while we did not include the 1, we did include the unit 'hour' Miles per hour is a familiar expression, as are unit rates such as:
interest/amount invested
Conversationally, the word ''per'' indicates we are using a unit rate.
Step-by-step explanation:
4.5 of 120,000 is 5400
multiply 5400 by 30 and you get your answer.
radians = degrees x PI/180
radians = 60 x pi/180 = 1.04719 radians
round answer as needed
if you need it in terms of pi it would be PI/3 radians
Always linear...
Decreases with successive trophic level
Step-by-step explanation:
it is d because famous people might do it but it is the lest likey