What is that I never heard of that before
Embedded Operating System
An embedded operating system is a specialized operating system dedicated to perform a unique task for a digital device other than your desktop or laptop. For example, we can find this operating system appears in a washing machine to enable user to control the operation of the washing machine. This type of operating system is designed to be more resource efficient. An embedded operating system can also found in cars, digital television, ATM machine, digital camera etc.
Hay muchas razones, para empezar Windows ha estado desde el año 1995. Tuvo muchas actualizaciones y Microsoft (la compañia que lo creo) los sigue actualizando y agregando nuevas funciones. Ademas de eso, Windows es compatible con casi todos los programas que salen. Esto le ayuda a que el usario pueda usar todos los programas que quiera y aumenta la popularidad del sistema operativo. Microsoft tambien trae pre-instalado Windows en todas sus computadoras personales que vende.
Hmmm, what would i recommand i think you Should learn skills and become innovative
Sir i'm gonna go toilet and come back