Imagery can be used to develop qualities in yourself you'd like to have — it's like emotional body-building — and using a technique called “Evocative Imagery” you can cultivate courage, patience, tolerance, humor, concentration, self-confidence or any other quality you'd like to embody.
rita should either ask the original author for permission to use her blog, but the best answer woyuld be that she should site her sources.
I made the code a bit easier to understand then worked out how it would go. Here's what I did.
number = 4
repeat until number = 8:
write 2 * number
number = number + 2
Following this itenary, we have, the system first writes "8" as it multipled 4 by 2. Number is now equal to 6.
Next repetition, the system writes "12" as it multipled 6 by 2. Now, number = 8. The proccess now stops as number is now equal to 8.
Answer: it’s d. Kick the accelerator
Never reach down with your hand while driving