Visual aids add impact and interest to a presentation. They enable you to appeal to more than one sense at the same time, thereby increasing the audience's understanding and retention level. With pictures, the concepts or ideas you present are no longer simply words - but words plus images.
Secularism helps promote religious tolerance, which is required to maintain peace, co-operation, and unity among people. ... Nepal has maintained Religious tolerance. Lord Gautama Buddha was also a perfect examples He introduced Buddhism although he was from Hindu background
The explanation of the situation presented above, is related to the concept of memory and the different types that compose the human mind:
- Sensory memory captures impressions of stimulus collected through the five senses. It retains information for less than one second. If this info wants to be stored in longer lasting memory areas, it has to be elaborated.
- Working or short-term memory, retains the elaborated info that was acquired through the senses and momentarily kept by the sensory memory. This <u>elaboration consists on the application of techniques such as repetition (the one used in the example)</u>, or codification, etc. It allows to keep info for around one minute. If wanting to retain it indefinitely, more complex processes need to be undertaken so that the info ends up being part of our knowledge structures and stored in the long-term memory forever.
Most visible spokesmen and leader in the civil rights movement from 1954 until his death 1968
The most important international clubs tournament in south america is the Copa Libertadores.