- The discovery of the French Nicolas Leblanc and Michel Chevreul on how to make soaps.
- The end of the luxury products tax on soap.
In 1800 the soap became a popular product widely used in practically all purposes. In addition to the concepts of hygiene and cleanliness having increased at that time, the discovery of the French Nicholas Leblanc and Michael Chevreul about the manufacture of soap, allowed this product to be seen in the markets in a more recurrent way. This is because the soap was laboriously manufactured, with difficult ingredients, however these two Frenchmen managed to develop an alternative manufacture that was fast and effective, allowing the soap to be made available to everyone.
In addition, it was during this period that the soap stopped being taxed as a luxury item, which left it with affordable prices for all families.
You can also write: Writing stories in an outlet is what helps Francie avoid telling lies. As stated in lines 143-145, "What was important was that the attempt to write stories kept her straight on the dividing line between truth and fiction." This is all thanks to her teacher's advice.
should be a, because this isnt a thesis statement, its a detail.
no offense but if you HAVEN'T read then you are a weird human if i can even call you that i read it long time ago just google it
cuz im to lazy to answer it
Vintage and old!! could mean from the olden days but also old seems a little less light