the answer A, steroids ; separate the cytoplasm from the environment
For giving you understanding ; we need Free O2 but Oxygen is also available in H20 right why dont we use it !!
As the early atmosphere was reducing as there was no free oxygen but it was later produced by chemoautotrophic bacteria !! Living thing release O2 in atmosphere thus making it oxidising in nature and then life evolves !!
-The third stage fever
-Fever, also referred to as pyrexia and febrile response, involves having a temperature above the normal range (above 37.5 or 38.3 °C) due to an increase in the body's temperature set-point (36.5–37.5 °C). This increase in set-point temperature triggers increased muscle contractions and causes a feeling of cold.
-The first stage of a fever is marked by headache and body aches, the second stage is marked by the chills, and the third stage is the flush state. The fourth stage is defervescence.
A cellular respiration occurs in animal cells but not plant cells
photosynthesis occurs in plant cells
After the star's outer layers are expelled, the density of the remaining material is typically too low to provide adequate energy to sustain the hydrogen-burning shell's nuclear temperatures, and the remaining star easily contracts to form a white dwarf (a star with a density equal to the Sun, but a diameter equal to the Sun).