The answer is Chromosomal disease
Answer and Explanation:
Losing someone dear is a very difficult time and it can cause a lot of pain and suffering for people who are living in that moment. For this reason, it is important that this individual adopts healthy strategies for dealing with grief, allowing for positive mental health.
The most effective coping strategy is to think that this is, in fact, a sad moment and that it is therefore normal to feel melancholy, discouraged and dejected in the first days, that is, it is beneficial for the individual who lost a loved one to allow himself suffer for a while, releasing all the emotions he feels.
Then it is important that this individual seeks a support group, where there are loved ones who can help to overcome this moment. In this case, it is important that the individual talks about what he is feeling and is heard.
If the feeling of mourning does not pass, the most recommended is that the individual seek professional assistance, so that he can normalize his emotions.
Disabled individuals receive more discrimation because they are deemed to be less able to do basic tasks. People who hold prejudices and are judgemental allow a barrier to build around disabled people, because they associate them with a lack of mental ability. In this sense, disabled people are almost inferior in their surroundings because they are open to labels.
Furthermore, some are unwilling to hold faith in disabled people because they believe that they are incapable of understanding their environment the same as non - disabled people. Unfortunately, some have the notion that the dis abled are weak and eccentric, which is a driving force for stereotypes and mockery.
a. high-carbohydrate, low-fiber, and low-fat providing 300–800 kcal.
the nutrition plan before the game has important effect on the performance of the player. The diet should be high in carbohydrate, low in fiber, and low in fat . Ideally the percentage should consist of 60-70% carbohydrate, 10-15% protein. This is very important because the player should eat high carbohydrate content to store some energy in the form of glycogen.
This is a very important meal because the main energy reserves are made up of meals from the days before, not from the competition day's pre-game meal or big breakfast.