Egalitarian philosophers believe that what is ethical is whatever brings the most <u>equality of some sort.</u>
Egalitarian Philosophers believes that what is ethical is whatever brings the most equality of some sort or fairness to everyone. Thus Egalitarian philosophers upholds virtues such as fairness, equality and objectivity. They believe everyone should be treated in the same fair .
La batalla de Saratoga fue uno de los enfrentamientos bélicos más importantes librados durante el transcurso de la guerra de Independencia de Estados Unidos. Su desenlace contribuyó, en gran medida, a decidir el resultado final de la contienda a favor del ejército continental.Esta batalla tuvo lugar entre el 17 de septiembre y el 17 de octubre del año 1777 en Saratoga, una región ubicada entre Boston y la zona de los Grandes Lagos, en las proximidades del río Hudson. El general británico John Burgoyne pretendía aislar a Nueva Inglaterra del resto de las colonias del norte y causar la mayor cantidad de bajas posibles entre las filas del ejército rebelde (ver Campaña de Saratoga). Su plan consistía en remontar el valle del río Hudson desde Montreal, donde se hallaban reunidas sus columnas, subiendo a lo largo de este camino fluvial con el apoyo de las tropas británicas asentadas en Nueva York. Estas últimas, acaudilladas por el general Howe, atacarían por el norte y se le unirían en Albany para crear un frente común y emprender una ofensiva conjunta.
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Ethnic identity
Ethnic identity is a type of identity of a person in a group of ethnicity. The person will be a member of that group. The theory of ethnicity reflects the belonging of that in-group community. Ethnic identity occurred in three stages that are called as
- Foreclosure
- Moratorium
- Ethnic identity achievement
It is a positive aspect of children or an adolescent in a group where they can develop their ethnic identity. This identity increased self-esteem, confidence, and competence in the children in the in-group of ethnicity. It is beneficial for both minority and majority groups. It has been observed that the reaction to ethnicity discrimination is the result of healthier self-esteem.
In England, people associate the acceptance of their Bill of Rights with the reign of King John.
<span>A credit union typically has membership requirements to have money in their financial institution. The members of a credit union help control the cooperative by keeping funds wihtin their institution. A credit union thrives off of having competitive rates for their members but also offering other services to them. </span>