No, it is a fantasy movie. Science Fiction is mostly centered around Science, Fantasy deals with magic and dragons etc.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the session that is being mentioned was called The New Deal. This was a series of programs that was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt shortly after the Great Depression. This special session of Congress lasted roughly three months or one hundred days
The answer would be : The house of representatives
The branch of Government that is responsible for drawing up articles of impeachment against an American president is the house of Representatives. The United States Constitution allows the member of of the representatives to expel a government official with 2/3 of the votes.
Corrosion: Disrupts the physical structure by forcing magnetic domains apart and encouraging them to lose orientation. Elevated temperature: Magnetic materials lose magnetism as they heat, but they regain magnetism when cooled provided the maximum temperature is below their Curie temperature.