The lymphatic system drains into lymphatic trunks (right and left lymphatic duct) which drains into vessels of the neck (right subclavian vein)
Water volume remains the same.
Ice formation is a phase change from liquid to solid. The ice is less dense so its volume gets larger. Warm it up, melt the ice and it will return to the same volume it had as a liquid.
The most important differences between a transmission electron microscope and a scanning electron microscope are: Rather than the broad static beam used in TEM, the SEM beam is focused to a fine point and scans line by line over the sample surface in a rectangular raster pattern
question answered by
como el cafe inicialmente se encuentra a una temperatura alta las moléculas se mueven a gran velocidad al tener contacto térmico con las moléculas del agua las moléculas del va transferir energía térmica perdiendo calor lo q hara q la temperatura de café baje
much in common!
Birds, crocodiles and dinosaurs have much in common – including, it turns out, their breath. The hyper-efficient breathing system of birds is shared with alligators, and probably evolved in archosaurs, the common ancestor of crocodilians, birds and dinosaurs.