Over-generalization is a common issue among the people who are suffering from some mental disorder depression, an anxiety disorder. It is the process of thinking in which you apply one experience and generalizes it on other all experience including those happened in the future.
For example, you have given a speech that was not good but you generalized it in future also that next time i did the same things that lead to over-generalization. It can worsen the thought of a person which leads to anxiety, depression, aggression, frustration, etc and everyone starts to dislikes you. There is another condition in which the person limited his potential.
Travis should evaluate the data in the control group and compare it with the data from the treatment groups.
If the new fish food has been tested through a scientific experiment, it means that there is a control group and a treatment group. The control group is formed by fish that did not receive the new food, but continued to be fed by the old food. The treatment group is the group formed by fish that received the new food and did not receive the old food. In this case, the fish growth data in the two treatments must be analyzed, to find out if the new food causes differences in fish capable of justifying the extra cost that this food imposes on production.
This is what Travis must analyze.
Since the beginning of time people were meant to belong to tribes. Helping people in need is a basic gesture that keeps us humble and essentially, human. Many peoples struggles are beyond their means and without assistance, poverty would become unmanageable.
Answer:A weak immune system
When people get older their immune system becomes weak including the function of the T cells which are cells responsible for fighting infections.
This means it becomes hard to recover from a flue when someone get sick and they are always prone to sickness since their immune system no longer has the power to fight infections.