⭐️The answer is ⭐️
These paradoxical words from the three witches to Banquo express the contradiction that Banquo is lesser than Macbeth in terms of power, but greater than Macbeth because his descendents will be kings after Macbeth is dead.
The correct answer is B. European
This is due to former colonization where many people of European heritage took control of resources and established wealthy ranches and farms.
The best answer is A. Realism means real life. This includes writing about common people and everyday circumstances. Tragedy and extreme circumstances, unusual and terrifying themes, and adventurous and fantastical episodes can occur in unrealistic stories, like fairy tales or science fiction. Hope this helps!
pov: first person. i write about things that happen in life every day wether its interesting or not
Colonists were very dissatisfied with their relationship with the British government. One of the major issues was that Britain's wars usually transferred to the colonies and the second biggest issue being that decisions were being made about the colonies in the British Parliament without any representatives of the colonies.