About 160 years. After Charles Darwin came out with his theory people have been debating it.
The Kerbs Cycle occurs in the, D.mitochondria
d. the living world. Biologists need to use the living world in order to back up the scientific method.
Triassic Period (252 to 201 million years ago)
All continents during the Triassic Period were part of a single land mass called Pangaea. This meant that differences between animals or plants found in different areas were minor.
The climate was relatively hot and dry, and much of the land was covered with large deserts. Unlike today, there were no polar ice caps.
It was in this environment that the reptiles known as dinosaurs first evolved. Reptiles tend to flourish in hot climates because their skin is less porous than, for example, mammal skin, so it loses less water in the heat. Reptile kidneys are also better at conserving water.