In python 3.8:
user_input = input().split()
x = user_input[0]
char = user_input[-1]
for w in range(1,int(x)+1):
if char in user_input[w]:
I hope this helps
To avoid privacy these copyright is been implemented. If copyright is not implemented software company such as Microsoft, Google cannot run the organization so that software has copyright and licenses and they protect from software privacy.
Since the world is digital world all software are available in internet for download and end user will not pay for software and use the software without purchasing from software development industries.
Even software are protected with key, hacker write the tool to brakes the key, so end user easily use these tools and generate the key and user it.
So that software company use Digital millennium copyright act, so that end user can arrested for missing the software’s.
No, not really cuz I think that would be too personal for the president.
D. Create a cell reference in a formula by typing in the cell name or clicking the cell.
Further Explanation:
To create a cell reference in a formula the following procedure is used:
First, click on the cell where you want to add formula.
After that, in the formula bar assign the equal (=) sign.
Now, you have two options to reference one or more cells. Select a cell or range of cells that you want to reference. You can color code the cell references and borders to make it easier to work with it. Here, you can expand the cell selection or corner of the border.
Again, now define the name by typing in the cell and press F3 key to select the paste name box.
Finally, create a reference in any formula by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.