He thinks there is a demon hiding innit thus, he runs and calls his mom. His mom says "Jimmy there's nothing in that pilow young man!" Jimmy walks back to his room scared if its still there. He hops into bed hoping that he can get a good nights rest. The next day, Jimmy asks if he can go buy another pillow. His mom says "As long as it makes you feel safe then ok." Young Jimmy, jumping in excitement, goes to the checkout zone to buy his new pillow. When they get home, Jimmy and his mom eat dinner and then head for bed. Jimmy hops into bed and knows that everything will be ok. The end.
are u in HS or college work
I am trying to understand
Answer: I cant give you an exact answer, but your options are gonna be B or C.
Explanation: A computer programmer actually doesn't work with a marketing company at all, most of them work from home as it is. And a Tech Support Specialist may work with a marketing firm, but it would be strictly IT stuffs.
Above are the three primary separation of concerns for a web application at client side.
Structure --> we can define the structure of the application at client side using HTML
style-->style is used to give some styling information like font,color,headings so on at client side .In general we use CSS to do this at client side
Behaviour--> it actually defines the functionality of the elements at client side like when we click button what it should do.We will use JavaScript to define the behaviours at client side