Yes I am in the car now and I’m gonna get my back up lol I have a lot to go hang out with my
Wait hold on. its hard to type....
Reaction 1
Reaction 1 would be the most suitable in this case. This is so because in reference to the question you are wanting to keep the food warm over long periods. So in reference to the data in the chart reaction 1 continues to heat up over long periods of time. However, with the other reactions (2, 3, 4) temperatures vary and some even decrease constantly. Therefore showing that the other reactions are invalid to help reach your goal referencing back to the question.
a star expels most of its outer material until only the hot core remains, which then settles down to become a young a white dwarf
Keystone predators can maintain species diversity in a community if they prey on the community's dominant species
Option B is correct.
What is meant by keystone predator?
A keystone species is usually a dominant predator whose removal allows a prey population to explode and often decreases overall diversity. other forms of keystone species are those, like coral or beavers, that significantly alter the habitat around them and thus affect large numbers of other organisms.
Are keystone species always predators?
A keystone species is usually , but not always, a predator. Just some predators can control the distribution and population of large numbers of prey species. the whole concept of keystone species was founded on research surrounding the influence of a marine predator on its environment.
Learn more about keystone predators: