the branch of mathematics concerned with the analysis of strategies for dealing with competitive situations where the outcome of a participant's choice of action depends critically on the actions of other participants
In simple terms Game theory is the study of how and why people make decisions.
Changing Margins
Selecting the Printer
Viewing a preview
Selecting the pages to print
Changing the page orientation
The following code is written in Python and creates a tuple of 5 integer numbers and then prints out the tuple. Tuples are immutable objects meaning that they cannot be changed at all. Therefore, they have no append methods and cannot have any values added or removed so the last two tasks of this question are impossible to accomplish.
my_tuple = (2, 5, 7, 9, 6)
The answer is malware. This goes for both your browser and your computer. Be careful of sites that don't seem to be trustworthy. They could have the possibility of getting you to download a virus.
base multiplied by the given height
parallelogram = base x height
I hope this helps a little bit.