1: The mRNA would not be sythensised
RNA polymerase - used in transcription to initiate replication of mRNA.
If mutated then it will result to no mRNA synthesied????
because the flytraps evolved and adapted to eating insects in order to survive and its part of their niche to keep the insect population at a gradual rate
The plant is classified as a Monocot.
Monocotyledons have only one cotyledon in the embryo. Its leaf veins are parallel. Its petals are in the multiples of three. It has a fibrous root pattern. It does not have a secondary growth. It does not have a cortex and its stem and vascular system is composed of bundles of vascular tissue scattered all throughout the stem without any specific arrangement.
If we had the same climate every minute of every hour tons of carbon would circulate the earth and climate change would make the polar ice caps melt from all the carbon around